Page 35 - YB_1950
P. 35


                                           Mixed  Chorus
         Row):  Dorothy  Ostry,  Margaret  Ueberrhein,  Hazel  Peterson,
         Ailene  Coyle,  Lois  Anderson,  Delmar  s ~ gert,  Renald  Barrett,
         Myron  Sagert,  Helen  Maly,  Betty  Langemeier,  Ann~ Leaf,  Lila
         Johnson,  Mrs.  Thomas.  Row  2:  Ardis  Johnson,  Faith  C ~rlson,
         Catherine  Schulz  Phyllis  Otto,  Pete  Kriz,  Gary  Widman,
         Gerald  Johnson,  Jean  Carlson,  Kaye  Daharsh,  Bonnie  Johnson,
         Barbara  Hofeldt,  Joyce  Schmidt.  Row  1:  Violet  Berg,  Virginia
         Moser,  Lona  Scoles,  Dedrei  Dah~~sh, Millard  Barlow,  Bill
         Armold,  Gwendolyn  Hageman,  Kathryn  Leaf,  Delores  Seely,  Joyce
         Pellan,  Durene  Drews,  Delores  Magnuson.

                                         . . . . . . . . .

                                        MUSIC  DEP6RTMENT

                The  Music  Dep ~ rtment under  the  efficient  di rection
         of Mrs.  Mary  Hall  Thom~ s  h ~ d  ~  very  successful  ye~r.  In
         November  they  persented  the  operettR,  Bobby;  in  December
         before  the  holidays  a  Christm3s  progr ~m WP S  given  by  the
         chorus  ~ nd the  grPde  children.  A progrPm was  also  given
         for  the  F~rmers'  Union  Meeting.  On  March  31,  the  different
         music  groups  participated  in  the  County  Music  Festiv~ l.
         The  students  also  took  part  in  the  St ~ te District Music
         Contest  in  Fremont.  The  numbers  included  solos                  sextette,
         trio  ~nd girls'  ~nd boys'  glee  club.  A spring  uoncert  WP S
         given  presenting  the  numbers  which  they  h ~ d given  ~ t  the
         District  contest.  The  chorus  made  their  fin al  appe?r~nce
         at  the  Commencement  exercised.
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