Page 8 - YB_2017
P. 8

:Norah G~n,  Allee ·
                                                                                   Richter, Kabi Mwnford an
                                                                                     T~  ~nt  get  eady to
                                                                                    sirlg at the winter concert.

               ThiS Ye<~r the·junior c~·got  to e.'q>erience
                maey things for~  fi:J;st time. As  .a class
                they cort)pleted ~- went  to prom, and
                 "lnany even enroll~  in Sencap cla.s.sef>
                         •               I
                  tproug~·SCC  to earn.  colleg-e credits.
                 Through variolll1 sport.S,,J;!luh;t.-and other
                  scbool activities the junior class stuck
                together arid created many,  new memorieS.
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