Page 19 - YB_1948
P. 19
It was the first Monday in September in 1936 that our rocket took off under the com-
mand of Miss !dna Jepnson w1 th 14 airborne children aboard. They were Stanley Almen,
Gayle Behrens, Genevieve Berg, Tomm;y Cajka, Peggy Lou Dolezal, Mary Dolezal, Lois J'uecher
Jimm;y Hartmeieter, Wayne Johnson, Lauren Kuhr, Magdalene Mathes, Donna Peters, and Grace
Rand, In the 2nd samester, Donna Pl7JD&te joined our crew.
On our next trip there were only 10 members. Peggy Mathea, Donna Peters and Jimmy
Hartmeiater transferred to a different rocket and Mar,r Dolezal also left us. We were
still under the command of Miss Jeppson.
Our next journey was under a new commander. Kies Ruth Nygren took over the controls.
We added one new crew member, Darlene Fisher. We also landed to take part in the operetta
11 Stat1on Claudville."
The fourth trip brought us a new commander ~in. It was Miss Bernice Crinklaw. We
had 10 crew members this year. Stanley .f.lmen, Grace Rand and Peggy Dolezal left us and
Robert Berggren and Betty Jo Hicks joined our crew. We landed thia year too to take :part
in the operetta, "Palace of Carelessness."
Our fifth trip vas under the coiMI8Zld of Mi88 Ida Sward. Our crew remained the same
until Tomm;y Cajka left us and :m.- Priestley joined ua.
The sixth trip was still under our faithful. commander Miee Ida Sward. The crew
numbered 10 with Darlene Fisher rejoining us and Donald Jansa also joining our ranks. :By
the end of the year we added 3 new members, Maxine Pointer, Claude Kier~dJim Peterson •
Donald Jansa left us during Christmas vacation.
Our seventh journey was under the command of Miss Viva Engel. Our crew enlarged to
21 with Margaret Emry, Violet Fetters, Helen Ann Johnson, Marvin Johnson, Teddy M~rsh,
Roward Matlock, Patricia Mulcah;r, Darrell Smith, :Bonnie Weddle and Virginia Yock_!! _Jo_ining
us. Before the end of the flight Margaret Emry, Lois Fuscher, Violet Fetters, Betty
Hicks, Marvin Johnson, Teddy Marsh, Jim Peterson, Maxine Pointer and Bonnie Weddle left
On our next flight our crew, under Miss Mabel Guile, numbered 18. Tommy Cajka re-
joinec!. us and Darlene Focht, Marilyn Roberts, Samm;y Buck, Burneil Ecklund, and Richard
Warfork joined us. Patricia Mulcahy, Richard Warfork and Howard Matlock left us early
in the year. Towards the end of the fliP-ht Margaret Emr,r rejoined us also.
On our ninth trip we were finally high school members. Vivian Adell was our com-
mander. The crew numbered 19 with Alice Irish, Mayrene Skarda, Lynn Hageman, Norma J.nd-
erson and Warren Whitney joining us.
The tenth fli~ht was under the guidance of Miss Lorretta Owens with 16 crew members.
Lynn Ha~eman, Alice Irish, and Helen Johnson were not there for the flight and during the
year Warren Whitney, Donna Plymate, Norma Andereon, Marilyn Roberts, and Mayrene Skarda
left us. This year our boys took the intramural basketball tournament.
The ~leventh flight and Juniors at last. Mr. Bodzek took over the controls andhad
but eleven members for a crew. Darlene Focht didn't report, but Elinor Elankenshipjoined
us. Highlites of the year were the Junior nlay, "Abigail Goee RaY¥ire", and the Junior-
Senior Picnic. Our boys took the intramural basketball tournament. lone Nelsen joined
us in the last of th~ year.
At last we left on our twelfth and final flight, with Mr. Bodzek still at the con-
trols. Our crew numbered 13 with Don Gollehon, a new member. After 12 long fli~hts only
five of the original crew remain: Genevieve Berg, the only girl and Gayle Behrens, Wayne
Johnson, Tomm;y Cajka, and Lauren Kuhr, the boys. In the second semester lrnie Taylor and
Charlie Angell joined our crew. Highlite~ of the year were the Sneak Day, Junior-Senior
Picnic, and the play, "Fool's Luck". The Seniors alec took the Intramural basketball
tournament for the third consecutive year, On May 19 there were 15 Seniors left to re-
ceive the diplomas: Gayle Behrens, Genevieve Berg, Robert Berggren, Tommy Cajka, Burneil
Ecklund, Margaret Emry, Elinor Blankenship, Darlene Fieher, Don Gollehon, Wayne Johneon,
Lauren Kuhr, lone Neleen, Darrell Smith, Charles Angell, and lraie Taylor. On May 21 we
came back for our final meeting and then we were off on our own individual flights.