Page 29 - YB_1948
P. 29
One of the highlights of the Junior activities waa their claae play
•Papa Saya No. 1 A brief eynopeia ia given below.
Young ladiea of tod&T are inclined to have minde of their ovn. So, er-
c1ti118 results are bound to occur when wealthy, dictatorial Mr. Page (J:rnie
Taylor) decidea to end hie ~hter Janet'• (J:llen Sabatka) romance with
Jack Prescott (J:arl Stoakea) by t&king her tor a trip to Plorida. 7rom there
(at least eo he thinks) it will be an eaey etep to eend her to South America
for a year'• etay with hie brother, !Ut, when Jack finds out vhat ie happen-
ing, things begin to look complicated tor him. So -- what doee Jack do but
take a pl~me to Plorida,
Upon hie arrival he finds that there are no vacant roome from the hotel
clerk, Bill Sykes (Richard Anderson). He ia desperate until he diacovera
hie old college chum Pete Carter (Stanley Alman) and hie mother, Helen Car-
ter (Mildred Hackbarth) are ataying at the hotel. To prevent Mr. Page' a
knowing he ia there, tvo waitreaaea, Sally (Grace Moline) and Liz (lrancea
Anderson) help Jack to masquerade aa a waitreaa in the coffee ahop. Joe
(Kenneth Johnson), the bellhop and Toota (Betty Jo Headrick), the elevator
girl aeeiat him with the neceaaary detaila; e.lao adding to the contuaion
were Mra, Havkina (Darlene Xuhr) and her nbrat 1 daughter, Genevieve (:Elaine
Pete impersonate• a pretty girl, hoping to vamp Mr. Page and perenade
him to postpone hie trip. All of which would be juat fine--except tor noaey
Miae Luella Watta (Joyce Johnson), a gueet at the hotel. When aomeone break•
the lock on Mr. Page'• euitcaee, ahe accuaee Jack of doing it. And reason
enough, tor Jack'• actiona were very atrange indeed. But, vhen a detective
(Charlae Angell) 11 called in, all lookl hopeleu tor J.ack and Janet--until
a very_ lucky incident occur• that aolvea the difficulty to everyone'• aatie-
factio~ and complete enjoyment.
htraa: Ben Swanaon, 7rancee Seeley, Charles Zook
Promptera: Joan Jldetrom and Rhoda Leaf.