Page 45 - YB_1948
P. 45


                              The  mueic  department  thia  year  haa  been  on  a  gradual  conetructin  program.  A good
                          maJl7  atudente  not  haTing  had  aJl7  previous  mueic  made  it  neceuar;y  to  build up  aa  we  pro-
                          greased.  This  vas  e.pecially  true  in  reference  to  the  inatrumente.  A number  of  atudenta
                          made  their  first  atart  on  band  inetrumenta  thia  year,  and  they  ahould  be  of more  value  to
                          the  band  ae  they progreee,  however,  the  first  year vas  eomevhat  tedioua  for  the  more  ad-
                          vanced  players  due  to  thie  fact.
                              One  of  the  features  of  the  grade  music  vas  that  each  room  vas  divided  into  two  divi-
                          aions  with  the  duty  of  each  diviaion being  to  furnish  a  musical  program  once  a  month.
                          Thia  has  resulted  in  the  building up  of  the  student's  confidence  in  their music  and  pub-
                          lic  appearance.  In  addition  to  this,  considerable  attention  has  been  paid  to  lesson•  1n
                          Music  Appreciation  and  the  stories  behind  the  great  composition&.
                              Before  the  holida;ya  a  public program  consisting  of  grade  operetta,  1 The  Indian  Prin-
                          cess",  Chriat~as  Carole  by  the  grade  and  high  school  girls'  glee  furniahed  an  evening'•
                              During  the  early  fall  days  the  band  spent  conaiderable  time  outside  in  learning
                          marching  routine.  This  made  it neceaaary  to  train  a  group  of majorettes  who  worked  with
                          the  band.  These  majorettes,  with  the  help  of  their parents,  made  aome  handsome  uniform&.
                          The  girls  have  appeared  publicly  throughout  the  year  at  various  events  including  home
                          basketball  games.
                              On  March  16,  forty-five  atudenta  Journeyed  to  Wahoo  to  participate  in  the  County
                          ~!ueic !'eatival.  The  number&  included  aolos,  mall  ~roups,  ,!:irls  1   ,elee, .  and  Band.  The
                          Band  war  chosen  to  help  furnish  a  part  of  the  eveni~ e progrem  alao.  This same program
                          ~·as repeated  on  the  nirht  of March  19  for  the  benefit  of  the  annual  Farmer's  Union  Meet-
                          ing  which  we•  held  at  Mead  School  Auditorium.
                              The  atudente  arP  'Pre"Perin~t nov  for  a  'PO@eil:'le  entry  in  the  Dhtrict  Muaic  Conteat
                          which  occurs  in  A'Pril.  At  the  time  this  ~toea  to  the  'Printer  we  are  not  in position  to
                          eive  the  det?ils of  the  entries  or  the  results.

                                                              "    Roufek,  Bonnie  Johnson,  Kay  Dahareh
                         Left  to  right:  Sharon  Moser,  J.rvonna  Male  h  ow.  aorma
                        Beverly  Soderberg,  Beverly  Lindhardt,  Ardis  Johnson,  and  Tvila  Paye  Ecklund.
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