Page 53 - YB_1948
P. 53

                                                  SEVE:!  VICTORIES  THIS  SEASON
                         Me&d  55              Alumini  37         l~ead 65               Pra,e:ue  11
                         Head  51              ~Iillard 24         Mead  52               Luther  16
                         Mead  20               Weston  43         Mead  48              Waverly  67
                         Mead  35            iiorth  Bend  25      Mead  26                Yutan  29
                         Mead  51                Valpo  39         Mead  39                ~'ahoo  40
                         Mead  24            Nebr.  De"f  26       Mead  38              Ceresco  45
                         Mead  2:1             Ashland  45         Mead  52             Waterloo  30
                         Me&.d  31         Cedar  Bluffs  33       Mead  35                Yutan  44
                         Mead  31•              Valpo.  37         Mead  40              Ceresco  46
                         Richard  Anderson  (Rr)   Darrell  Smith  (LP)   Gayle  Behrene  (C)   Bob  Berggren  (G)
                                                     Wayne  Johnson  (G)

                                                 THIRTEEN  VICTORIBS  TBIS  SEASON
                         Mead  29              Millard  17          Mead  21             •ceresco  6
                         Mead  21               Weston  11          Mead  25              •valpo  28
                         Mead  23            North  Bend  17        Mead  36              Prague  9
                         Mead  15                Valpo  2.~         Mead  47              Luther  4
                         Mead  28            Nebr.  Deaf  21        !~ead  24             Waverly  31
                         Mead  27              Ashland  18          Mead  39               Yutan  7
                         Mead  27          •Cedar  Bluffs  10       Mead  15               Wahoo  14
                         Mead  20          Cedar  Bluffs  9         Mead  40              Ceresco  17
                           Roy  Lund  (RF)   Stan  Almen  (LF)   Burneil  l'cklund  (LP)   Earl  Stoakes  (C)   Ernie
                                                  Taylor  (G)   ToDDDy  Cajka  (G)
                          •  Tournament  Gf.mes                       Donald  Gollehon  -- Student  Manager

                              The  Sauntiers  County  Softball  Tournament  was  played  on  the  Mead  Public  School  Field
                          October  2  and  the  weather  held  out  for  this  important  event.  The  results  are  as  follows:
                          for  the  first  rotU1d  the  CereEco  Eagles  whello~ned  the  Valparaiso  Bulldogs  by  the  score  of
                          22  to  13,  the  Mead  RaiderE  upset  the  Yutan  Chieftains  ~Y  the  score  of  1~  to  7,  the  Prague
                          Pbanters  beat  the  Ceder  Bluffs  Wildcats  by  the  score  of  16  to  14,  and  the  Luther  Vikings
                          were  unable  to  participate  in  the  tournament  so  their  ~cbeduled ~e with  the  Weston  Bob-
                          c&ts  was  forefeited  to  the  Bobcets  by  the  score  of  1  to  0.
                              The  Second  round  results  were:   Ceresco  Eaeles  wera  trimme~ by  the  Me~d Reidprs  5  to
                          0,  PrAeue  Phanters  werP  Yhipped  by  the  We~ton Bobcat~ by  the  score  of  12  to  2.  This  fin-
                          al  game  la~ted 7  innin~s where  the  other  £emes  laoted only  5  in~in£~.
                              Tre  neople  of  . Mead  can  be  very  pr~ud.  of  ~Pel' B~~ 1ek' ~  Raiders.  Th"Y  played  a  fine
                          ~ame •. Bob .Ber-:eren,  ce tcher,  lli:.rrell  Smith,  pitcher,  Wayne  Johnson,  first  baseman,  Gayle
                          Behrens,  ~econd baseman,  Richard  Anderson,  sbortst~P, Earl  Stoekes,  third beseman,Burneil
                          Ecklund,  right  field,  Jerry  Johnson,  centerfield,  Kenny  Johnson,  left  field,  made  up  the
                          9  men  te  m.
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58