Page 63 - YB_1948
P. 63
First Row, left to ri~ht: Judith Anderson, Joan Gustafson, -Lyle Nelson, JOn Anderaon
Gordon Stoakes, Billy Thomas, Dick Fieber, David Leaf, Mary Nygren, Judith Ann Hobza,
Beverly Hickman. Second Row: Gary Williams, Richard Behrene, John Swoboda, Eldon Johneon,
Bobby Johnsen, Danny Milh, Carolyn Heninger, Mary Leanna Hoffman, Ken LeMar Johnson,
Ruby Lindhardt. Third Row: Karen Miller, Sharon Ellison, Patricia Anderson, Richard
Nygren, Louis Anderson, Larry Sabatka, Harry Duncan, Donald Fieber, Betty Johnsen, Lloyd
Johnson. Fourth Row: Judith Johnson, Sandra Johnson, Barbara Moser, Sue Ann Coyle, Helen
Franken, Judy Rudeen, Janet Blankenship, Joan Seburger, Marilyn Behrens, Verla Ann
Seberger, Delphia Nay Johnson. Fifth Row: Mrs. Lucy Norenberg, Kenneth Challquist,
Clark Sa&erg, Dennie Moline, Donna Duncan, Dean Heninger, Clinton Headrick, Rose Marie
Rejda; Janiee Miller, Roberta Hanson, Loie Nygren, Virginia Schroeder, Mise Edna Jeppson.
Sixth Row: Danny Johnson, Ralph Anderson, Betty Brandon, John Leaf, Sharon Moser, Benjamin
Svoboda, Robert Hanson.
Highlights of the let- and 2nd grades were the aenral field trips made during the
year. One trip took them over to Mary Hoffman's to eee her goats. A few days later
each one had a taste of goat's milk. Other tripe were to gather pretty autumn leaves,
pick some lilies, and to watch !or signa of winter and .pring. About 35 crocue bulbe were
planted in the !all eouth of the eteps.
An interesting project for the 3rd and 4th grades was the making of candles out of
candle molde that were over 200 years old. The candles were presented to their parente
at Christmae.
The first four grades gave the operetta The Indian Princess• under the direction
of D. L. Priestley in December.
Firat Row, left to right: Ielly Blankenship, Dean Nelsen, Jimmy Rudeen, Kevin Baker,
Clarence Sagert ,. Bobby Joe Moline, Eldon Nelson, Ernest Rosenthal, Arlene X:udlacek,
Juanita Schulz, Betty Schmidt. Second Row: Mies Ida Sward, Leland Nygren, Glenn Williame
Beverly Lindhart, Harvey Schuh, Richard Sayer, Norma Hou!ek, Richard Pearson, Richard
Swanson, Arvona Malchow, Tvila Faye Ecklund, Elaine Rejda. Third Row: Grace Moeer, Terry
Anderson, Don Hanson, ~lan Nygren, Lealie Focht, Ardven Malchow.
Fourth Row: Faith Carlson, Violet Berg, Ailene Coyle, Ardis Johneon, Lila Johneon,
M7ron Sagert, Gilbert Drews, Carl Patterson, Renald Barrett. Fifth Row: Joyce Pattereon
Loie Andereon, ~e Dabareh, Gloria Blankenship, Joyce Schmidt, Hazel Peterson, Bonnie
Johneon, Nina Emry, Beverly Soderberg, Anna Leaf. Sixth Row: Harvey Kris, Loren Berggren
Ian Crinklaw, Vincent Chapek, Richard Zook, Millard Barlow, Mre. Neola Johneon.
In the 5th and 6th during the regular leesone each child contributes as much out-
aide information as possible. This includes using encyclopedias, newspapers, and ma«-
azines, and listening to the radio. ~1 holidays are celebrated, the birthdaye of great
men and women, and also the birthday of each child in the room.
The 7th and 8th grades use current event• as a eupplement to Geography and History.
~ong with this they enjoyed making car~oons to represent neve of the day. Attempt•
have been made to increase spelling ability in all their work. Everyone baa thoroughly
enjoyed the education periods and eeveral have counted it a privilege to parti-
cipate in band, baton twirling, as well as regular vocal mueical periods.