Page 23 - YB_1951
P. 23
--=== ~-~
ing of good health, sound mind and strong ---=--- ~
We, the SENIOR CLASS of 1951, be-
character, do hereby will and bequeath the ~--
following: ---=.:-p--.=;:;
To the Faculty, our modern view points.
To the Juniors, our ability to get along with the teachers.
To the Sophomores, our congenial personalities and our co-operative spirits.
To the Freshmen, our shy manners and our determination to become Senior Gradu-
To Roy Anderson, a new mop to aid him in his janitor work.
We as individuals do hereby will the following:
I, William Armold, do hereby will my height to Freddie Bergman and my tenor voice
to Gilbert Drews.
I, Melvin Carlson, do hereby will my "Model A" to anyone who can make it run and
my flirting techniques to Richard Pearson.
I, Durene Drews, do hereby will my quiet arrd shy ways to Helen Maly and my dim-
ples to Shirley Johnson.
I, Gwendolyn Hageman, do hereby will my chair in band to Arlene Kudlacek and my
job as librarian to Ben Bergman.
I, Arnold Kudlacek, do hereby will my ability to drive a car to Gerald Langemeier
and my ambition to study to anyone who needs it.
I, Kathryn Leaf, do hereby will my job as accompanist to Anna Leaf and what's left
of my freckles to Lois Anderson.
I, Delores Magnuson, do hereby will my interest in 4-H activities to Gary Widman
and my liking for a certain Fremont boy to no one.
I, Virginia Moser, do hereby will my liking for school books to Grace Moser and
my interest in Yutan basketball boys to Kaye Daharsh.
I, Dorothy Ostry, do hereby will my little shoe size to Ian Crinklaw and my dislik-
ing for macaroni and cheese to Mr. S. R. Jones.
I, Adrian Sabatka, do hereby will my natural curly locks to Ronnie Nelson and my
ability to play basketball to Kenneth Magnuson.
I, Delmar Sagert, do hereby will my ability to work chemical reactions to anyone
who enjoys Chemistry and my interest in Fremont girls to my brother, Myron.
I, Delores Seely, do hereby will my cheer leading ability to Betty Langemeier and
my happy smile to Richard Zook.
I, Margaret Ueberrhein, do hereby will my blonde hair to Joyce Schmidt and my
giggle to Lila Johnson.