Page 10 - YB_1960
P. 10

Class  Will

            We,  the Seniors  of Mead High School, Class
      being of  sound mind after four  trying,  yet tremEmCI:nllll
      make,  publish, and declare this  as  our last will

                                leave our  charming                         cheerful dispositions.
                                         even temperment.
                                          a  box o! Cheerios (for a     go-power).
                                            ability to be a  model class.
                                          the following:
                                           my blush to anyone who wants  it,  and my glass  eye to
                                                              to  my shy, bashful (what  did I  say?)
                                                               wants  a  few  gray hairs.
                                                                 volleyball team to Jackie Barta,
                                                                       find all the pieces, and my

                                                                           to anyone  who wants  it,
                                                                        -up"  for  it.
                                                                          Algebra tests to Sahron

                                                                          Barth, and my ability to

                                                         lfi!IJ~fdltlltyto Jerry Weber._and the base

            I,  Karen                                   •l.t~Jt·~ ,.Joe'• Print Shop., to Karen
      Nygren,  and my
            I,  Mary Murru ...... ,v
      Osterloh,  and  my - ........... ,J
            I,  Glenn  Nelson,
      Carlson, and my car to anyone
            I,  Ronnie  Pellan,  do
      Zook,  and my ability to get in
            I,  Janice Sta.Nit. do
      editor on the Buccaneer s
            I,  Hermine Storm, do
      and my co  using         to
            I,  Ro
      height to  J
            I,  J   e
      to Mr. Lutje
            I,  Bob
      absorbers in it, and my en:{fl~!f!tllt
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