Page 21 - YB_1961
P. 21
We, the noble SENIOR CLASS of 1961 do hereby will and bequeath
the following:
To the Faculty: Our irreproachable conduct.
To the Juniors: Our ability to look busy without doing anything.
To the Sophomores: Our ability to pair off.
To the Freshmen: Our ability to get along.
We as individuals do hereby will the following:
I, Mary Ann Beam, do hereby will my long hair to Mary Miles and
my driving ability to Ron Shanahan.
I, Earl Burt, do hereby will my spotlight to Richard Goodding and my
beautiful eyelashes to Joyce Carlson.
I, Wayne Carlson, do hereby will my ability to get along (?) with
teachers to Jerry Weber and the T.W.H.T.N. Club to Mark Gustafson.
I, Janice Challquist, do hereby will the rights and any proceeds which
may come from my book "122 1/2 Ideas", which he encouraged me to
write, to Mr. Caughlin.
I, Jeanne Cooke, do hereby will my size 4 1/2 feetto Kaye Johnson
and Fred to no one.
I, Lea Coslett, do hereby will my calmness in a ticklish situation to
Judy House and my height (which one person doesn't like) to Pat Long.
I, Kathy Coyle, do hereby will my mother's '38 Plymouth to the
Hannan twins, my racing mice to Ron Gustafson, and my claims on Eddie
to no one.
I, Allen Emken, do hereby will my blonde hair and blue eyes to Mary
Miles and my ability to keep my class ring to Ron Gust,afson.
I, Lucille Johnson, do hereby will my naturally curly hair to Joyce
Carlson, my first clarinet chair to Deanne Carlson, and my ability to
faint on the steps to Mr. Caughlin.
I, Carlann Lamprecht, do hereby will my Crisco Award to Mr.
Hummel, my ability to keep a changeable person interested for two years
to no one, and all abilities I haven't found to anyone that wants them.
I, Greg Larson, do hereby will my man-sized Ford to the Hannan
twins and my F.H.A. membership to Mr. Caughlin.
I, William Maly, do hereby will my study habits to Melvin Vance
and my ability to get green slips to Ruth Svoboda.
I, Karen Nygren, do hereby will my short skirts to Mrs. Peterson
and my pixie hair cut to Gay Gustafson.
I, Sharon Wine, do hereby will my speedy typing ability to Kaye
Johnsonandmyabilitytomake a fool of myself on stage while portraying
a drunk to my sister, Sandy Wine.
I, Fred Witte, do hereby will my masculine physique to Wayne
Peterson and my Ford to anyone with a good paint-brush.
I, Sharon Zook, do hereby will my ability to argue with anyone, at
anytime, over anything, to Ronnie Sanders and my trombone to M r •
Morris Anderson.