Page 20 - YB_1965
P. 20
We, the noble and respected SENIOR CLASS of 1965 do hereby I, Sharon Houfek, do hereby will my ability not to get a suntan
will and bequeath the following: to Mr. Rockey, and my little red Volkswagen to Phyllis Storm
To the Faculty: our impeccable decorum and self control. so she can raise little Volkswagens and start a Rent-a-Volks.
To the Juniors: our shining example and illustrous traditions. I, Pat Iiams, do hereby will my fair complexion and my scho-
To the Sophomores: our brilliant minds and marvelous good lastic abilities to my brother Larry, and to EVERYONE I will
looks. my glowing personality.
To the Freshmen: our boxes of Wheaties (breakfast of I, Alan Johnson, do hereby will my ability to go through doors
champions). without stooping over to Mr. Simms, my perennial place on
We as individuals will the following: the basketball bench to Norman Thorson, and my Chemistry
I, Dave Andersen, do hereby will my long blond hair to Mr. book to Donna Hanson.
Lamb, and one-hundred pounds of myself to Dave Konecky. I, Lenore Larson, do hereby will my ability to understand music
I, Judy Bakke, do hereby will my blonde hair to Bobbi Hall, my theory to Inez Nygren, and my class ring to anyone who can
hula skirt to Phillip Cooke, and all my gum wrappers to find it.
Donna Hanson. I, Robert Maly, do hereby will a bottle of tranquilizers to Mr.
I, Jerri Barta, do hereby will my naturally curly hair to Phillip Aitken for fourth period English.
Cooke, and my ability to drive in the exit of drive-in I, Jerome Moline, do hereby will my ability to go with girls to
theaters to anyone who wants to try. anyone who doesn't want to, and my ability to be healthy in
I, Pat Coyle, do hereby will Mr. Aitken to any Girl Scout Club football season to Jim Wagner.
in need of a den mother, and my long curly hair to Mr. I, Linda Preuss, do hereby will my excellent driving ability to
Lamb. my sister Myrna, and a key to the library to anybody in
I, John Evans, do hereby will my bog feet to Mary Williams, second period study hall.
my roll of athletic tape and my lucky rubber band to Jim l, Kathy Schneider, do hereby will my soprano voice to Larry
Wagner, my ability to stay out of ditches to Steve Meyer, Iiams, my ability to play volleyball to JoAnn Pellan, and my
my quiet and lovable personality to Phillip Cooke, and the ability to get a good tan to Norman Thorson.
town of Wahoo to Sargent Shriver. I, Steve Stoakes, do hereby will my 1956 Chevy to anyone with
I, Glenn Hageman, do hereby will my beautiful singing voice a towbar and Mrs. Nygren to the Peace Corps.
to Jeanette Nelson, and my ability to forget my football hel- I, Linda Weber, do hereby will a book entitled 101 Ways to get
met on the bench to Larry Pacula. along with teachers to Phillip Cooke.
I, Sandra Hageman, do hereby will my ability to ruin and have I, Dianne Winchell, do hereby will my big brown eyes to Shei ri
flat tires to anyone who has the time and money to fix Andersen, and to Mr. Snodgrass, the two things he seems t<
them. need most, a bottle of anti- sneeze pills and a truck load of
I, Randall Hanson, do hereby will my ability to find surprises in metrecal.
my locker to Mrs. Nygren, my ability to stay out of trouble I, Kirby Zicafoose, do hereby will my shy quiet ways to Phil
to Dennis Washburn, and my share of the chemistry lab to Cooke, and my glittering popularity in Wahoo to anyone
anyone who will clean it up. who wants to commit suicide.
I, Marvin Hass, do hereby will my English book to anyone who
can understand it, and my car to anyone who has a trans-
mission tree in their back yard.
I, Ronald Hassler, do hereby will my parking spot in front of the
school to the milkman, and my ability to stay out of trouble
to Steve Meyer.
What is
done is past,
but the future
we can mold- now
we must do it.
TOP-Linda Pruess, Sharon Houfek
BOTTOM- Patrick Iiams, David Andersen