Page 31 - YB_1966
P. 31
Judy Ziegenbein, JoAnn Pellan, Queen Margaret Evans, King Jim Wagner, Denny Washburn, Larry P acula.
Homecoming '65
Eleven boys rushed onto the football field, Octo- ing at Mead. King Jim and Queen Margaret
ber 22nd, with high hopes of defeating Cedar witnessed Mead's first Homecoming as Fresh-
for a Homecoming victory. Energetic cheers men.
accompanied by beating drums backed the fight-
ing team. Cedar's lead at half-time was not The football battle resumed and once again
enough to touch the spirit of the Raiders. Half- held the crowd's attention. In spite of the
time marked the announcement of the Home- team's hustle, the Pep Club's encouragement,
coming Royalty and the crowd waited tensely. and all the hopes, Mead fell to Cedar. But
The suspense built as J. Pellan, J. Ziegenbein, the loss was soon forgotten, for the night had
D. Washburn and L. Pacula were called onto just begun! One-hundred and fifty people
the field as Homecoming attendants. The swarmed into the gym enticed by the mood
crowd grew silent as the big moment approach- of beating drums and rhythmic guitars set by
ed. All attention was focused on the master the Fremont Intruders. All night the spotlight
of ceremonies, Jim Goodding, who was to an- shone on faces swinging to the super-cool
nounce the king and queen to reign for 1965-- music. Twelve o'clock came, the kids scat-
Jim Wagner and Margaret Evans. The tradi- tered, and the empty gym echoed as a mem-
tional ceremony marked the fourth Homecom- ory of "where the action is"!