Page 6 - YB_1969
P. 6

Reflections  of 69

          69  - Sixty-nine  - LXIX
          Just  as  it can be written many ways
          The year  69 means many things to many people.
          For  the  volleyball team  it meant a  successful season with
          two  championships.
          Our basketball team this  year showed promise for  upcoming
          To the seniors  it was  a  sentimental year  - Their last at ole
          M.H. S.
          For  the  freshmen  it was  the beginning of four  long hard years.
          For some  69 was  a  year to  forget
          For  others a  year they will always cherish.
          The  69 yearbook is  dedicated to showing what  69 meant to
          the students  at M. H. s.
          We ,  the staff,  invite you to open the  pages of this book to
          reflect back upon  69.

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