Page 9 - YB_1975
P. 9
David Kistler - A mer. and World Eugene Kulhanek - Biology I, II, Wayne Lutejharms - Alg. I, Gen.
Hist., English IV, Speech, Geogra- Ind. Arts, Jr. Class Sponsor. Bus., Gen. Math, Math 7, Typing
phy, School Plays. 8, Asst. Football and Head BB
Coach. Girls Track.
Philip Miller - Voc. Ag. I, II, III, Margie Nisley - Ho'me Ec. I, II, Christine Nygren - Librarian.
IV, Ag Shon Subjects, FFA Advi- III, IV , Jr. High Home Ec. , Boys
sor, Hunters Safety Inst. Home Ec. , FHA Advisor.
Rosalyn Parde - Vocal Music, Jr. Gerald Schwarz· - Alg. II, Geo. , Shirley Jensen - 7th and 8th Grades,
High Music. Adv. Math, Jr. High Math, Math Jr. High Sponsor.
Appr., Math Club.