Page 37 - YB_1980
P. 37


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            (L-R) Row 1: S. Sweeney, L.  Randall, N. Schuette, S. Washburn, S. Frahm. Row 2: J. Head, I. Snell, J. Nelson, C. Ellison, D.
            Parkins, K. Schuette, Mrs. Dornbush. Row 3: A. Anderson, P. Osterloh, J. Miller, P. Huddle, M.  Ruhe, G. Cravens, B. Ecklund.

                                                                  Pep Club Officers:  Pres.  Barb Dostal, Vice  Pres.  Naomi
                                                                  Schuette, Treas.  Shari  Washburn,  Sec.  Shelli  Frahm,
                                                                  Food  Clerk.  Cindy  Jackson,  Merit  Chairman.  Sandy
                                                                  Sweeney, Poster Chairman. Leslie Randell The Mead Pep
                                                                  Club this year was involved in  many different activities.
                                                                  The highlight of the year was the purchase of a red rose
                                                                  for  each  player, coach,  and  pep  club  member  attending
                                                                  the State Basketball tournaments. The year ended with a
                                                                  pizza party at Godfather's in Omaha. The pirtures tell the
                                                                  story about the cheering year - go Raiders.

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