Page 38 - YB_1982
P. 38


         TOP:  D. Parkins, R. Osterloh, B.  Lawhorne, N.  Nissen, S. Sweeney, L.  Randell,  P. Osterloh, R.  Black, P.Johnson,J. Miller, A. Keller, C.  Bergman,]. Hud-
         dle,  L.  Brown, B.  Ecklund, C.  Ellison. R-2:  L. Hansen, T. Gehrman, C.  Patoka, D. Malina,  A.  Smidt, H. Sovobda, A. Sailers, D. Hannan, K. McKay, K.
         Adams,]. Schultz, D. McKee, Sponsor Mrs. Rasmussen.  BOTTOM: A.  Andersen, A. Nygren,]. Behrens, D.  Nygren.

         FHA Gold Medal
         Winners for

          The  Mead  FFA  Chapter gOt:  sta.rted  off to a good  year. The
         new  officers  wert  insuUed  at  the  FFA -FHA  Banquet  Apl'll  of
         1981.  In  May of 1981  t~ new officers  went to  the  Neb  Youth
         Uadership camp to learn  many  new  ideas to bring  back  to  the
         chapter. Their  maJOr  money  making  act1v1ry  was  havmg  a con-
         cession stand at the Mead Tn.ctor and Safety Day, u  the U.N L.
         F1dd  lab. They  partte•pated  10  a  tractor  dnvingcontest, 1pOn -
         so~d bv the Mead Alumna.
          TMy  acqu~d many  awuds  thas  year  m  swa~ .  cattle,  a.nd
         shetp  at  the  State  Fatr  The  highest  award  wem  to  Jeff
         Langemeicr for  Re~rve Champ.on Duroc. The chapter abo par-
         ticipated  in  many  uea  L•~stock  Judgmg  Contest,  Ag
         Mecharucs comest and  Dumct Contest where they all d1d  well.
          Thu  yar  Jeff  Langemc-~er,  son  of  Mr.  &  Mrs  J•m
         Langeme•t:r, was  awarded  Stale  Farmer. Both  were  b1g  honors
         foe  hun and the chapc:er
                                         TOP:  D.  Push,  D.  Parkms,  R.  Osterloh,  L.  Hansen, ].  Schultz.  L.  Randell, ].  Behrens, ].  Miller.  D.
                                         Nygren,P.Jo._h_n_so_n_. ________________ ~~

             .. Your modern secretanes at  work ..              .. Your everyday women ..
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