Page 6 - YB_1983
P. 6

Future Farmers of America

                                                                                    FF A ACTIVITIES
                                                                              1. State FF A Convention
                                                                              2. District and State Land Judging
                                                                              3. Grain Grading
                                                                              4. District Livestock Judging
                                                                              5. Spaghetti Feed
                                                                              6. FF A-FHA Sweetheart Dance
                                                                              7. Selling  Concessions  at  Tractor
                                                                                Day (July)
                                                                              8. Participating in  County &  State
                                                                                Fair Shows & Contests
                                                                              9. Float contest during Homecom-
                                                                                ing Week
                                                                             10. Nebraska  Leadership  Develop-
                                                                                ment Camp in Aurora (June)

         5th Row: D.  Hannan, V. Schultz, S.  Hass,  A.  Luetkenhaus, J.  Bergman, J. Ellison. 4th Row: P.
         Johnson,  J .  Parkins,  R.  Timm,  S.  Hayford,  Mr.  Miller.  3rd  Row:  J.  Frahm,  J .  Nygren,  L.
         Langemeier, C. Parkins,  C.  Randall,  J . Haag.  2nd Row:  D. Adams, B. Thorson,  R.  Eggers,  D.
         Shook, R. Zima. 1st Row: D. Adams, K. Petersen, M. Barrett, J. Adams, T.  Adams.

         Future Homemakers of America

                                                                                    FHA ACTIVITIES
                                                                              1. District Convention at Valley
                                                                              2. HayrackjHalloween Party with
                                                                              3. Thanksgiving  Potluck  with
                                                                              4. SEARCH events at Fremont
                                                                              5. Christmas Secret Pals
                                                                              6. Cake  Raffle  at  Girls'  BB  with
                                                                              7. FHA Week
                                                                              8. Sweetheart Dance with FFA
                                                                              9. State  Leadership  Conference
                                                                                for newly Elected Officers
                                                                             10. Banquet/ Awards/Installation
                                                                                with FFA
                                                                             11. JazzersizejFruit  Sales  after

         5th  Row:  S.  Pickworth,  T.  Milliken,  S.  Asper,  S.  Hass,  R.  LaCroix,  T.  Strong.  4th  Row: T.
         Lawhorn,  K.  McKay,  D.  Gustafson, K.  Young, J. McGee, H.  Svoboda, L. Hansen. 3rd Row: R.
         Eckhart, B. Thilliander, R. Archer,  N.  Murray, L. Berggren, V. Schultz, K.  Petersen. 2nd Row:
    2    L. Langemeier, A.  Andersen, K. Schuette, C. Ellison, S.  Push, D. Parkins. 1st Row: K. Adams, J.
         Nelson, B.  Ecklund, J. Mueller, Mrs. Rasmussen.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11