Page 54 - YB_1994
P. 54
Danell Shook & Kenny
Graduates Ludacka
Granddaughter, Mother
of & Daughter ready at the
Julie Adams sets Willy
Wischmann's hat straight.
Salutatorian Renee
Jensen as she gives her
address on graduation
Shannon Hoover sets
Tim 's flower , as Troy
Lamprecht looks on.
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Gradu ation is so many t hings-
It's laughter. smiles and c.heers
It's speeches, songs and warm applause
It's fond farewells and tears.
It's handsh"kes, hugs and compliments
From friends and faculty.
/( ·s ltngenng memories or the past
,And plans for days to be.
GraduatiOn IS so many t hings
,All wrapped up mto one-
A dream (u/(11/ed, a milestone crossed,
,A bnght new life begun. Willy Wischmann and
Troy Lamprecht.
Ushers, John Hanson and Greg Williams approves Andy Frahm can hardly stand the sunlight as Julie Adams,
Jessica Peterson. of the flower location on Renee Jensen, Lisa Hansen, and Heather Robertson seem
Andy Frahm's robe. to ignore the bright light.
so Plans for days to be!!!