Page 81 - YB_1994
P. 81
The Arkansas Razorbacks won
their fust national champi-
onship when they defeated the
Duke Blue Devils in the men's
NCAA basketball tournament.
Arkansas, cheered on by rust
Fan Bill Clinton, won 76-72.
; con titutional protection for
; abortion, announced his
: retirement in early April.
l Blackmun, 85, erved on the
; court for 24 years.
; Vietnam war prate ter
: Katherine Ann Power turned
; herself in after pending 23
: year· on the run. Power, in an
: effort to finance anti-war
; activities, wa involved in a
l bank robbery that re ulted in
; the death of a police officer.
; Vince Fo ter, a deputy White
: Hou e coun eland boyhood
: friend of Pre ident Bill
: Clinton, committed suicide
l in July. Fa ter later became
; the focu of inve ligation
: about his role in the
; Whitewater scandal.
; While working on a film in
; ~1exico, actor John Candy
l died in his leep of a heart
; attack. He wa 46.
Tom Hanks won the Oscar ; Anna Paquin won Be t ; of Congre had some won- ; Whitewater became the latest
for Best Actor with hi par- ; SupportingActres for Tile ; dering if it was po ible to .
: in a string of controversies
trayal of an AIDS-stricken l Piano. : offer insurance to all ; that plagued President Bill
attorney in Pililadelpilia. Be t ; : Americans. : Clinton and hi 11ife, Hillary. A
Actre s honors went to Holly ; Universal health care wa the l pecial grand jury was formed
Hunter for Tile Piano. l goal of President Bill l U .. upreme Court )u tice ; to decide whether there wa
Tommy Lee )one won Be t ; Clinton's proposed Health ; Harry A. Blackmun, who any link between the Arkansas
upporting Actor for 71Je : Security Act, but oppo ition : \\Tote the Roe vs. Wade ; real estate renture and a failed
. - l sa\ing and loan in titution.
FugitiJ•e, and !!-year-old : from lobbyist and member l deci ion establi hing