Page 40 - YB_1997
P. 40
The band marched on! Mead marching band per-
formed at the Mead Days Parade, at the Wayne State
College Marching Band competition, River City
Roundup Parade and the Mead Homecoming halftime.
Jenny Dahl on the trumpet. Jon and Jon on the saxophones.
JAZZ BAND Jazz band performed
at PoPs Concert, spring concert,
and received a superior rating at
contest. They were asked to per-
form at the Alumni Banquet as
dinner entertainment. Jazz band
consisted of all men except pianist
Vicki Williams. Mr Snyder direct-
ed band and chorus for six years
at Mead public school. The band
trip to Kansas City in the spring
was his final activity at Mead Pub-
lic School. We will miss him but
wish him good luck at Wahoo.
36 Keeping Time!