Page 18 - YB_1998
P. 18
7th Grade
Class of 2003
The eventh grade1·s
hard at work in com-
puter class. While
Amanda, Angie and
Max are easily di -
tracted by someone
with a camera,
Shahin remains
focused on the task
at hand.
The Castle of Doom, pawned from the creative minds of Chris Miller, Angie
Pelster and Shawn Nelson. Shawn appears to take exceptional delight in the
Shahin Amirfathi
Whil e at lunch , Maggie Petersen , Tia Brendan Murray knows that big,
Sarah Denison
Janecek, and Claire Muck discuss life and goofy smiles will get your picture
all of its liLLie mysteries. in the yearbook.
Stephanie Bergman
J\·1a.'<well Boldra
:\fegan Brabec
Eric Deerson
Stc,·en Dunn
Amanda johnson
Christopher '\!Iiller
Claire :\1uck
Brendan :'1-lurray
Shawn :\'elson
Kyle Parsons
·\ngela Pelster
Margaret Pete1·sen
Alicia Push
Ke\in Ra-;musscn
Lisa Rasmussen
:'\icole Simon
Zachary Wellman
Sara Winkelman
Brandon Wolfe
14 Seventh Grade