Page 26 - YB_1999
P. 26

=Bas  etball· TeamRefus~stoFold;Season'~

   m                                                           • Second Half 1s a Bener Deal

      "On  the  baseline!"  Tired   of  the  season  against
    muscles quickly moved toward   Tecumseh  was  a  good
    the end of the gym.  "Varsity,   example of this.  The Raider's
    Black lines! Go!"  Once again,   jumped to a 28  to  15  lead by
    twelve players started running   halftime with a great defensive
    upanddownthegym,stopping    effort.  Mead  slowly  let
    at every black line on the court.   Tecumseh back into the game
    After  a  set  of drills,  Coach   and ended up  losing 44-42.
    Quinn called all the players into   However,  after opening up
    a huddle at mid court.  "I was a   the  season  4-9,  the  team
    little worried with the intensity   picked up its intensity with an
    at the beginning of practice,   overpowering  overtime
    but it picked up at the   ~---~     victory     over
    end.  That's  the                      Louisville.
    kind of execution                      Three    days
    that  we  need  to                     later,   Mead
    get  to   state,                       backed up their
    guys."                                win  by  beating
     The Raiders' season                Louisville  again,
    followed  this   same         this  time  in  the  ECNC
    pattern.   Throughout  the   toumament.  It was this spark
    beginning  part  of the  boys   over a number one seed  that
    season,  intensity  was  lacking   allowed Mead to finish its last
    when  it  mattered  the  most:   eleven  games  8-3.  Mead
    toward  the  end  of the  game.   defeated  Waterloo  and
    Often the Raiders would build   Brownell-Talbot to  win  their
    up a lead only to let it slip away   Sub-District,  and  ended  up
    due to poor execution  and poor   losing to  Bancroft-Rosalie in
    decisions.  Mead's first game   a hard fought District Final.

                                                           Above:  Nick does  what he does
                                                           best,  missing lay-ups ..

                                                           Right:  Dave accepts the ECNC
                                                           Collference runner-up plaque as his
                                                           teammates reflect on the game.
     BOYS BASKETBALL:  Front Row (I tor):  Aaron Nygren, Jason lee.
     Dave Nelson, Nick Raver, Regan Else, Adam Miller.  Second  Row (l tor):
     Josh Moline, Jeff Schultz, Brad Schutt, Paul Thorson,  Brett Malchow,
     Shawn Havelka, Coach P.J. Quinn.  Third Row (I  tor):  Nate Johnson, Nick
     Williams, Shane Morris, Jon Lee. Lyle Havelka, Jason Larsen, Josh Dahl,
     Kirk Sake.  Back Row  (I tor):  Student Mgrs.  Brandon Wolfe, Shawn
     Nelson, Chris Miller.
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