Page 33 - YB_1999
P. 33
i Junior High: Working to be the
Top olthe Deck
Zach narrowly escapes a defender Chris gel.\ reaclr to place a Spalding Eric show\ great form and uses all
•·hile he follows his blockers j(Jr a on 61 's forehead, while the tewn of the circle as he launches the
hili r 11 in a scrimage. anticipate.\ a pass. discus during track practice. ''
Bdo · Shawn and Alex show good
det< rminu( L to get ready for their
indil'iduul el'e/1/\.
Jr. High hov.,
saimmaJiC during
physical educution da.1s
t<l gt'l readr ji>r their short sea.l'oll.
durillg which they plared Frnnont
Mr. f)prnbu1h huddles hi.' Jr. High
Trinirv iln'ce anJ Hal'linxs once.
ji>otba/1 Tt'atn trfr,•r a tou~h loss.
Bac·k: Brendan \lurray F.T: Eric Dcerson I",B.T: \la\ Boldra F.B,T: Shawn
'c.!fson F,B,T; Dm·c Wageman F.B, 1': Clayton Z<wgg F.B,T: Juqin Dre\\s
F.B.T: Shahtn Ami1i'athi F.B.T Front: Stc\e Dunn L Nathan Han~on T: Dustin
Bergman I'.B.T: Justin Schultz F.B; Brandon Wolfe F.B.T: Zach Wc.!llman F,B:
Kyle Parscllh F,B.T; Mil.c Martm f·.B.T: Alex Ctrrilt I·.B.T Chris \1illcr F. B. I'