Page 14 - YB_2002
P. 14

The Next - Shelly No:ak
    concentrates on  peefccling  hee 11\.CLStel'piece.
                                                                     Do Not Di-stut'b - A  worn out Jcu;ol1  Lo.t•sen  =lches some
    Alth  ugh most school pmjects =use stl'ess.
                                                                     zzzz's  some down lime in the Home E.c  eoom.
    som  students tmd ad P"  jecls stt-ess-
                                                                     Appat""Cnlly  Ja .. on""Ces  '"ilh the sentiments Sleph Bee<J111UI1
                                                                     expt""Csscs  t>l  the al'lick below.

                                                                                  N oth~n.g L~k a  Good Book - Nobody
                                                                                  likes a  textbook.  but cvet;·one likes a good
                                                                                  book Ha~tnah Glenn a"idly t-eo.d.s Harry
                                                                                  Pottm· and the Prisonel' of i\zkabo.n. one
                                                                                  of the most poptdae books of the yeae
                                                                                  that students t-ead  put""Cl)'  f  ,.  enjoymenl

     Without a doubt, lack of time can leave you

             AU S-tressed Ovt!

       A Typical Day:  School, 8:15-     parents expect you  to,"  Fresh-   the  strains  and  pressures  of
     3:20;  sports  practice  or work,  man Jordan Larson said.             stress,  how  do  they  relieve  it?
     3:45-8:00;  homework,  8:00-           Student's  lives  are  further  Many students just like to hang
     10:00.  A  busy  day  like  this  complicated by academic issues  out with  friends  and  listen  to
     doesn't give Mead High School  such as homework, grades, and  music, but, like  most students,
     student  much time to be teen-     difficult class content.            Junior Stephanie Bergman likes
     agers and have fun.  Mter a typi-      "Biology is hard because I'm  to catch up on sleep.
    cal day students are often left a  not  interested  in  that  class,"       Senior  Kirk  Sake's  unique
    little stressed out!                Sophomore Sherri Novak said.  tactic  for  battling stress  is  get-
       Junior Lisa Rasmussen is  all  "It's hard to concentrate, and if  ting away from it all.
     too familiar  with  the demands  I don't concentrate then I'm not          "Leaving town and going to
    of a  busy  schedule,  especially  able to get it."                     my  grandpa's  on  weeekends
     tho e dealing with sports.            Besides practicing for the big  helps ease my stress," he said.  "I
        "Sports  are  very  time con-   game,  learning  lines  for  the  have other stuff to worry about
     suming," she said.  "They keep  play,  and cramming for  tests,  and get done out there."
     me from doing other things."       students need time to have fun,       Junior Shawn Nelson doesn't
        Not only do athletes suffer  relax, and do what they want.          let the stresses of school get to
     time related stress, they also feel   "I wish I had time to get a job,  him.  His method, unlike Kirk's,
     pressure to succeed from fans,  so I would have extra money on  is to try to avoid it all together.
     family, coaches, and self.          hand," said Junior Chris Miller.      "I try not to worry so  much
        "Sports are frustrating when      Since the majority of students  and  not make  a  big  deal over  ,
     you  don't  do  good  and  your  at Mead High School have felt  one bad grade," he said.

                         ~Il seems vJe ha\Je Loo n1.uch. home-            'SomeLi.nws we  get Loo  111.ltch
                         woJ:k  and  i.L  has  incceased  stn.ce  I've          homev.Jork. The stress fr-om  school
                         been  i.n  school because we  ha>Je             gets nw down., and I don't. alv.Ja)·s
                         moee r-equiX'ed  classes."                             fecllile dotng t.hi.ngs."

                                        -Saxu Ballard                                          -Megan B~ubec
                                               f1:eshman.                                             Jnni.or
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