Page 20 - YB_2002
P. 20

S~k.em  LYk  !Ia •clkn
                               shmvs  hcs  bmduu; C)t'llC'e
                               cluring  Reel  and  \rhill' Dcty
                               The d:ye and  the pom
                               ponts "'eec  t'lunpant  tts
                               students  found ct-ettti,•  "'uys
                               tO  sho,v tlwil'  Sl hool pt·idt•
                               f'eom  fucc  puintinc;  to

      E'.ekl  - 7\.ngdu  Pelster  cleesscs
      as Clu·sctina  7\.C)uiletu  for
      SingedCelebri.t:  Do.;  She
      'vas  pad of the Lnd)
      :'>1nemalnde tecmpe  played by
      \1egan  Bm bee  Sam h Den is on
      Hannah Glenn. und  • 'ikki

        Spirit Week

                               LweLy Brothet:s - Jeff Clwata.l
                               and Kic·k  &eke eeconnecl  \vith
                               theic fcmininG side,; dtu·ing
                               fOL'ntal  Du  \.  Th.e clt·css  code
                               "as eel.nxed  to allm,•  most  c f
                                                           Wake  Up! - <above) ~manda Wolfe
                               the gids ancl some qu ys to
                                                   to stay mvake '"hile dcmcin9 as
                               weae t heie pro 111  d t'csscs  to
                                                           Steph Ber9man looks on.  This yeat·
                                                           the Homecomin9 dance slarled one
                                                           hom· La tee leuvin9  many dcmcees
                                                           >Jet')'  tic-ed  aftec· three hocu·s

                                                           :AU Smiles - <e'9hll :vle9an Beabec
      What :Ace Y ott Looking :At? -
                                                           smiles as she leuves the commons
      Josh Dahl dresses as a  viking
                                                          and walks  towaed  the dance flom·.
      foe Supeehcl'O day  :'>1any                          :vlany students shaeed  :vlegan's'  students "'cnl all ottt                    enthusi.asm foe  dancin9.
      for Supcc·hcc·o day including
      many ,vho "'oce their
      undet"'-'= on  the outsicle of
      theic·  pant-s  to get the true
      su peehcl'D dfecL

       16   Homecoming
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