Page 7 - YB_2002
P. 7

Wh.a.t  -Ar:e  You  Looki.n<J  a.t?   <below!  Lyle
                                                         Ha-=~lka modeL, a  ba.sketball "'U•·nn•p  rrom the  I97o·s
                                                         Various stuclC>nts  "'ot-c  these "'Ul1lt  ups dttring athleli.c
                                                         l"'Cnts  t<  sho,, their support.

                       "With u  smallce schooL I ha1.'C?  goltC?n            "Theec is a  bellee chance to excel in
                       the chance lo see  hO\v  things happen                clusses  because of one small  student
                       thmugh.  field  leips.  I don't  have  lo             lo lmchee mlio.  I knmv I can gel
                       just t•md  aboul il in a  book:  I gel lo             help jusl about 1.vlwnevct' I need il.-
                       see il.
                                                                                            -Rose Coopel'
                                      --Alicia  P\u;h                                              Scniot'
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