Page 32 - YB_2003
P. 32

Raider Power During Spirit W eek, Zach W ellman, Angie Pel ter, M egan   Dancing  Queen
     Brabec, Sarah Denison, Amanda John on, Nikki Simon, and Hannah Gl  nn   While learning a dan  e,
    dress up in home-made costumes while Brendan Murray show  school   Angela Pel ter fo  u e  on
    spirit by sporting a red afro wig.                                 not missing a step.

     Footloose and  Fancy-free (Right) Deciding that
    comfort is above all, Kelley Murray sheds her shoes
    while dancing to a slow song with Eric Deerson.
     1.  Teamwork  By working together, Heather Barris
    and Kevin Rasmussen construct a balloon arch that
    served as the entryway to the dance.
    2.  Take Down Chris Miller and Brendan Murray
    take a break from dancing , enjoying a little harmless
    wrestling on the hard gym floor.
    3.  Picture Perfect  The Senior boys pose for the
    camera in their last high school homecoming picture.
    4.  It's Electric  The dance floor is full when the OJ
     playes "The Electric Slide" and the student body joins
     in with the dance.
     5.  little Old ladies  On Grandma and Grandpa
     Day of Spirit Week, Angie Pelster, Claire Muck,
     Hannah Glenn, and Megan Brabec take things a step
     further by adding personalities to their costumes.
     6.  Wallflowers Many boys blend into the walls as
     they choose to sit out another dance.
     7.  Patiently Waiting  Jordan Larsen, Tyler Carlson,
     and Luke Bryan stand around while they wait for the
     dance to get started.
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