Page 51 - YB_2005
P. 51
ITS officers discuss plans for the folio\\ ing
fall during the last meeting of the year. ew
officers and members \\ill be tapped in the
Watching the price go up, junior Morgan
Wright filb up her Bug. Many students
dreaded the increasing prices of gas this year.
During a home game, senior Junior Jermey L1r~en hangs ~apole,m Emily Bergman and Je-.sie Guyle, sopho-
Chris~y Push and ~ophomore Dynomite inspired flyer~ for the Stu- more!>, giYe ,1 hand sorting journalism pic-
Chelsea Bergman enthusia'>tically dent Council President elections. Jer- tures. The girls were just a few that dyed their
cheer on the team. emy'' ill be senĀ·ing as next year\ Pre-,i- hair brO\\ n during the school year.
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