Page 41 - YB_2007
P. 41
Middlo: King Tylor Vaughan Right: Junior!: Ally!:ia !!olko
and Ouoon li!:a Kuhr po!lo for and Jo!:hua Charlo!: bu!lt a
a pictum whilo dancing to tho movo out on tho danco floor.
prom !long. "Wh1m tho !!tar!: Joghua wa!l ono of tho fow
GoBiuo." boy!: found dancing. rathor
than !lifting.
Digging right in. !lonior!l
Chol!:oa Borgman. ~mily
Borgman. and Jaclyn Thor!lon
!lnack on chocolato covorod
goodio!l. Rathor than dinnor.
a !locial hour wa!l hold boforo
prom allowing !ltudont!l to !lo-
cializo and !lnack on appotiz-
or!l bofom tho danco.
!!onior Daniol Par!lon!l o!lcort!l
!lonior Rachol Glonn during tho
Grand March. Tho march al-
low!: pamnt!l and friond!l to
como and !IOO tho !ltudont!l
dm!l!lod up bofom tho danco
bog in!:.