Page 51 - YB_2007
P. 51
Loft: Taking a bmak from
all th!!ir hard work on th!!
FFA float for th!!
~aund!!rs Cvunty Fair.
sophomor!!'s ~ydn!!y
Vogt. &cky Murray. and
H!!ath!!r Thorson sit
down for a drink.
Right: Junior Anni!!
!!cho!!nh!!rr tri!!s to writ!!
th!! dMimd m!!!:!:ag!! on a
Val!!ntin!!'s Day balloon
without popping th!! bal-
loon. M!!moors ofFCClA
hand!!d out bak!!d cook-
il!!:, h!!lium filloo balloons.
and flow!!rl: for a
Val!!ntin!!'s Day fund-
l!!ft: ~!!niors lisa Kuhr and
T yl!!r Vaughan h!!lp pmpam
mat!! rials for ad sal!!!: dur-
ingjournalism class.
Right: ~!!niors [mily
B!!rgman and ~amantha
Ballard d!!corat!! th!! walk-
way for th!! Hom!!coming
dane!! . ~tud!!nts !!njoy!!d
th!! d!!corations for only a
short tim!! du!! to pow!!r lo!:!:
at th!! V!!ry b!!ginning of th!!
l!!ft: ~phomom Carol Mill!!r
"B!!ing in organiza-
and Junior Anni!!
tions t!!ach!!s you
!!choonh!!rr h!!lp d!!liv!!r flow-
how to b!! a b!!tt!!r
!!rl: on Val!!ntin!!'s Day for
l!!ad!!r and how to
th!! FCClA fundrais!!r.
stay positiv!!."
-Ashl!!y &m!!r.junior
"Organizations an!
good ways to g!!t to
know oth!!r p!!opl!! in
th!! school."
-Ashl!!y Morav!!c.
"FCA h!!lps us mm!!m-
b!!r to do th!! right
things !!V!!ry day."
-Bmtt Virgl. fmshman
Organizations 4 7