Page 8 - YB_2007
P. 8

"My  favorite  pep  rally  was  the  one  in
                 the commons.  It was  funny  when  people
                 were  covered  with  water  and  ice  and
                 had  fans  blowing  on  them  and  they  had
                 to  see  how  long  they  could  last."

                     "Human  Leadership  is  P-1-M-P.  We  get
                     to  relieve  our  stress  daily  and  we  get  to
                     help  out  the  community  through  our
                     service  learning  projects."

                 "My  favorite  Homecoming  dress
                 up  day  was  Color  Day  because
                 our  whole  class  got  into  it
                 and  everyone  came  up  with  some
                 pretty  crazy  stuff  to     wear."

                 ,  !1enforc Tyler fl~ughar/ '~::
                  -    .~_.---  ...   ..:::~   -..!.~-:-,~'..<' .... --"'-ยท~~-..   "'"'

                      "My  favorite  part  of  the  block  classes
                      was  that after you  finished  your
                      assignment you  had  lots  of free  time.
                     The  teachers  usually  didn't  care  what
                     you  did  with  the  free  time  as long as
                               't b  .   -  t   1  d"
                          S!enior Matt flaanue

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