Page 67 - YB_2008
P. 67

Above: Josle Tweed4 and Joe ttunt
                                        (the horse) act out their own
                                        of an ancient mljth.

                  for the record tallest
                 structure In  science
            Jamie larson. Undse4 Pearson.
        and Nicole Otte gather around their
        structure for ""'."''n"""n

                                                                              Above: Wanting the camera to catch her
                                                                              qood side, Claire Brabec strllces her
                                                                              pose as she talces a break from stud4lng
                                                                              after school.
       Above: Acting out his p1a4 In English.                                 left Above  Middle: Showing off their
       Austin Miller Is catching fish from                                    taclc4  st~jles, Jamie larson, Nicole Otte,
       the wall.                                                              Claire Brabec. Jenna Schutt, Undse4
       Right Middle: Qrant Nelson and John                                    Pearson. Allison ltough and Chelsea Mus-
       1ta4es awalt their turn to pla4 In a                                   grave line up for the Judging.
       rouslnq game of plttlonarlj.

      Above: En]o4lng a little game of plnq   Above: Exhausted b4              Above: As  the sun goes down on their
      pong. Will  Wlnlcelman concentrates so   Dillion Drews Walles slow14 up • ..-.~ .... "   slcl trip. Allison ltouqh strllces a qulclc
      hard he doesn't even notice the camera.   the sun begins to qo down.     pose on the slopes.
                                                                                             Jr.  High Candid  63
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