Page 17 - YB_2009
P. 17
!..6ft: f' ole&:i and r.,.,ay
to pounco, fr~ ..hnna
Schutt, l!llnlor ~r
Below: After wlnnll1(l the 1ae1; 1!61;, the Lady ~e htJt:ldle up to
Thoroon, and oophomor" Ol!vta
Johneon crouch In antlcJpst;lon peyoh theme61voe up for the tltlxt Otltl.
of' the tltlxt llf'lk".
~ WIM!ne up to
et;rike, ~r Thoroon
aJme to flPII:" the Vall
for s k!ll.
L6f1;: f'sr1; 1;lmll I..JJ,ro for
the ~"ยท oophomor"
Moriah Nyeren, waite to
die the tltlxt l!lltv".
Arov.,: FrM11!11tln ..hnna Schutt and Nk;oi., ~
and oophomor" Amanda Hom ~ ru.,r1; for the
tltlxt Vall.
Back row Jef1; to rJe~rt;: Amy 5und,
Lsur"" T sylor, J.,nns Schutt, MJch.,l.,
~ii~ Gareis, Antoon HotJ{lh, Amanda R.uhe,
ili Nicole ~. Lindelly f' osroon, Jsrn~o
lsrl!lln, DtwyM f'stocka, and !C.Behls
--i--+-+-~-41 ... ~"'1 S.,ll:o. Mlddltl row lllf1; to ~ Miranda
Charloe, Emily Garcia, Amy Wlm.,r,
Kliey 5chmldt;, Johnoon, Sam
Ballsrd, Ol!vta Johnson, Amanda Hem,
Moriah Nyer"n, Kat;hl Dlppon, and Ha!6y
KotltlCky. Fron1; row lllf1; to rleh~ Clair"
Brs!>llC, Tori Johnoon, 5y.:.ltltly Y~,
~r Thoroon, Brrl;1;n,y Haltom, and
Maa.:ftoon Nyerllll.
Below: JY 1!61;1;1lr
fr~ Antoon HotJ{lh,
I!IIU up the Vall for hllr
1..6f1; : ~for the t;Jp, ~ J.,nns Schutt
J:>sr"ly eo1;e the Vall avor the M1; to fsko ou1; the
Volleyball 13