Page 32 - YB_2010
P. 32


           A Murder Mystery Brews in Mead.  high school career. The cast also included
           In the sleepy town of St Basil-on--Green  seven  other  rmderclassmen.  Sophomore
       no one expected a  murder.  At  the usual  Lindsey Pearson, as the maid Rachel Ho:lges
       _s!arden chili meeting. the ladies of the club  said 'This play was a  lot of frm because it
       discovered the richest woman in town had  rnixoo mystery With comooy. I really likoo
        been  murdered.  A  seerningly rmeventful  it." The play r~ivoo many compliments
        town turns into a  murder mystery in the  and roth the general admission and dinner
       play Nzm::ier m Hcom by Thomas Hischak.  theatre went well.
       The det~tives, played by COO.y Heinke and
       Brandon Morin investigate the murder and            Best Actress: Shelby Brabec
       discover that there are more s~rets to the          Best Actor: Brandon Morin
       garden club than anyone thou_s!ht.                  Best Supporting Actress: Rachel Andersen
           Nzm::ier .in Hcom was  the final  play          Best Supporting Actor: Brian Pearson
       for three seniors this year. Shelby Brabec,         Thespian of theY ear: Shelby Brabec
        COO.y  Heinke.  and Rachel Andersen have
        all been in multiple plays throughout their

                                                                                               Aoove: Detective Hugh
                                  AOOve: The cast ani crew of NU/lh" Ill &hmlkk Row: (L toR) AUison Hougll julia llirll. ]<r;ic Twroly.   Travis. sophomore
      Right: Lindsey                                                                           Brandon Morin wrors a
                                  Oaire Brain:. Manin Heinen. Dalton Clevrlarrl. Dim:tor Tricia Kruse. Rhorda Worw:h.  Mi:lwUc Kuhr  %td
      Pt-arson as Rachel                                                                       h<XXI whilr he at tcrxb a
                                  Row: Katie johnson. ]aclynn ]ansa jenna Schutt. jan!i> Larsen. OUvia johnson. Shelby Brain:. Mrli<;a WoTih.
      Hooges. prepares to leave                                                                sa:ret roo:'ting to make
                                  Bramm Morin. CaJy Heinke. Ra:hel Arllcrscn. Stevie Kruger. Kiey Sdunih. Ouislina Nelson  Front Row:
      for the evening from                                                                     sure everything goes
                                  Michele Garcia Amrer Kcelmel. Lirdsey Pmrson.
      Mrs. Wesson's house.                                                                     well
                                                      ·ng Moment. ..

              "I've twd so rmrh fun in •x,ing   • A/imiru; /i:fv;;!WdS a really   "'<\liming the award for &'51   "Drama is always pretty crazy. 5-t
              in drama TI1ere is never a dull   energt•tk· play. It was hard to get   SupfXJrting Act n.-;s was a big   far l'w lovo:l b'ing in the plays.
                    rnomrnt."         my lines dowTL but it was worth   honor. I was rmlly happy!."
                                           the ha11l work."
                                           '" nn  •(ty Henke

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