Page 47 - YB_2010
P. 47
Alx>ve: Ra:hPl Arxl<·rsen Samantha
llitllanl SIJ(>lby Brain. arx1 Kelly
Cootx·r wait for the graduation
IT his diploma
Ryan Huffakt·r stops to prove to
everyone in the gym that he did it by
holding up his diploma and a numter
one sign on hi~ other harxl.
Alx>vc: The senior choir mcmlX'rs sing a song as a group one last time
at the lllrollaurrnte. This year fourt!X'n seniors were in choir. which
is an unusually high numter.
&·low: Salutatorian Ashley Moravec recall<xl on the
m·n10ri<s arxl events that have formed our cla-;s into
a family over the years. She stato:l. "I hope nrxl year
when we go on our own ways we will rememter who
helps us grt to where we are now and never tum our
l~lfks on earh other."
Aoove: Vakrlirtorian Emily (',arcia talktrl alx>uttlw tools
we've obtaincrl at Mead to hrlp us to build happy lives
for ourselves. In ch>ing. she sarl ·we may decide to build
our lives in different dtks. states. or cvm muntrks. but Above: Michelle Kuhr and Zach Ka..tmd link amlS with
the fourxlation of your f rk•rxls and rm-s at Mead ll igh big smiles on their faces as tlwy exit the gym at the end
Schml will tx· with you ani ~tarxl strong With you until of tlw a·ren10ny.
your tower i~ mmpletc.
Graduation 43