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                     MR.  ANDERSON

                                                                 Three  courses  in  English  are  offered  at  Mead.
                                                               These courses all  include  the  study  of composition,
                                                               of  grammar,  and  of  literature.  The  art  of  oral
                                                               and  written  expression  was  one  of  the  leading
                                                               factors  in  the  development  of  our  civilization.  It
                                                               still  holds that position today.

                                                                            AMERICAN  HISTORY
                                                                 American  History,  a  senior  subject,  deals  with
                                                               the  discovery  of  America,  and  its  problems  up  to
                                                               the  present  time.  Mr.  Anderson  stated  that  they
                                                               have  been  working  like  beavers.

                                MR .  BIXLER  AND  H z  S0 4

                       MR.  BIXLER                                              CHEMISTRY
                                                                 The chemistry class has been  studying the  princiĀ·
                                                               pies  of  reaction,  the  analyzing  of  compounds,  and
                                                               the how's and why's of all chemical actions.  ChernĀ·
                                                               istry  is  a  necessary  background  in  engineering,
                                                               medicine,  and  many  other needed  vocation~.
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