Page 11 - YB_1949
P. 11
children in the jungles of Africa. Those curls could The scene again changes to a classroom where
only belong to RHODA LEAF. ELLEN SABATKA is seen teaching her Home Ec-
Another look finds KENNETH UEHERRHEIN onomics class to sew a straight seam. And on her
and his wife sitting by the fireplace of their home in desk stands a picture of the president of the U. S.
San Diego after having had another successful day National Bank, whom we mentioned before!
at his corner drugstore. And last but not least, the class see DARLENE
The class looks with envy at JOYCE JOHNSON
as she steps from a transcontinental airplane on KUHR as the teacher of dramatics at Yale UniverĀ·
which she is the stewardess. sity. They wish her a lot of luck with all those
The next look finds GRACE MOLINF. behind the men around!
counter in a P-X making some extra pin money to As the seniors leave the fortune tellers booth to
help meet her and her P.F.C. Marine husband's start on their way home, they rub their eyes and
expenses. wonder how right the old lady may have been.
CluJ * * *
WILL I, Richard Anderson, will and my gum-chewing techniques to anyone who
my ability as a basketball
thinks they can manipulate them.
I, Junior Swanson, will my speed to Renald Barrett
player to Loren Berggren
and liking for a certain and my forwardness to Durene Drews.
dark-haired girl to no one. I, Grace Moline, will my career as a cheerleader to
I, Mildred Hackbarth, will my ability to recite oral- Bonnie Johnson and my affection for a certain
ly in history to Bill Armold. Marine to no one.
I, Kenneth Ueberrhien, will my height to Delmar I, Frances Seely, will my ambition to Ian Crinklaw
Sagert and my liking for girls to Wally Johnson. and my interest in Robert Johnson to Marlene
I, Joyce Johnson, will my ability to referee volley- Hobza.
ball games to Miss McNaught and my sunny smile I, Earl Stoakes, will my good school attendance to
to Melvin Carlson. Virginia Moser and my fuzz cut to Dale Johnson.
I, Charles Zook, will my ability to get along with the I, Ellen Sabatka, will my liking for a certain Mead
teachers to June Williams and my quiet walk to High basketball star to no one and my place in the
Melvin Carlson. trio to Dorothy Ostry.
I, Elaine Bergman, will my liking for history to I, Joan Edstrom, will my flirting techniques to Ben
Joyce Headrick and my ability to type to Allan Bergman and interest in a certain guy in the Army
Moeller. to no one.
I, Lloyd Armold, will my bass voice to Freddie I, Stanley Almen, will my interest for a certain
Anderson and my fancy red cap to Adrian Sabatka. Wahoo girl to Jerry Johnson and my many cars to
I, Betty Headr.ick, will my short little "cat naps" in Arnold Kudlacek.
history and English to Delores Seely and my per- I, Rhoda Leaf, will my ability to work chemical
sonality to Roy Lund. reactions to Kathryn and my cheerful disposition to
I, Kenneth Johnson, will my good behavior to Richard Zook.
Howard Overton and my good papers in Voc. Ag. I, Frances Anderson, will my "spiking ability" in
to Ben Bergman. volleyball to Margaret Ueberrhein and the bass horn
I, Darlene Kuhr, will my giggle to Gwen Hageman to any one who is willing to lug it home.