Page 19 - YB_1963
P. 19


                   We,  the noble SENIOR CLASS  of 1963 do hereby will and bequeath the following:

                   To the Faculty:  a  sympathy card since  they will have to  get along without us  next year.

                   To the Juniors:  our ability to hold orderly  and dignified class meetings.
                   To  the Sophomores:  our brilliant minds.

                   To  the Freshmen:  ability to carry on so  they may become an almighty class,  and keep up  the
                                   senior traditions.

                   We  as  individuals do hereby will  the following:

               I,  Jacki Barta,  do hereby will my ability to spike in volleyball to  my friend,  Larry  Pacula,  and my
                   ability to get along withjilly sister,  Jerri,  to a  certain sophomore boy.
               I,  Darrel Charles,  cfo hereby  ill a  certain senior girl (J.  B.)  to  anyone that can put up  with her,  my
                   ability to play football  to Steve Meyer,  and my long.  dark hair to  Mr.  Meyer.
               I. Richard Ooodding.  do hereby will my gree,n  tin can to anyone with a  bomb,  and my shoe to Judy
               I,  Boyd  Hageman,  do hereby will my abililJ to  high jump to Dave Anderson,  and D.H.  to  myself for
               I,  Beverle~{J-fansen, do hereby will  m~ a  tlit)L.  o get eighth periods to my sister,  Karen,  and my
                   ability to be quiet to Margaret Eva.  s.
               I, Deanna  anson,  do  hereby will   ability to get eighth periods to  my sister,  Donna,  and  a  date
                   book  to KathY. Scllneider.
               I,  Steve HoHst,  d  'hereby will   '55 Ford  to anyone with an oil well,  and my singing ability to
                   Mr. Anderso  •
               I,  .K,aye  Johnson,  do hereby   1 my ratted hair to  Mr.  Humme  and my ability to keep my boy
                   friend f om   ·ng on·  s to Gay Gustafson.
               I.  Jim Lange  eier,  do  hereby will my ability to play football  to Melvin Vance,  and my pole vault-
                   ing abili!J to  Wayn   et  rson.
               ~.  Pat Long,  c!'o  heteb¥  ill my ability  to  stay out late and  QOt  get grounded to  my sister,  Peggy.  and
                   my ability to  be quiet and,  not tell jokes in Business Law  class to  Betty Peterson.
               I  .Martha Maly.  do  hereby; will  my siX'th  period office job to anyone who likes to argue with  Mr.
                   Krause,  ~d my height to Steve Meyer.
               I. Janet Nelson, do hereby will tny small waist to  Sandra Stoakes,  and a  bunsen burner and a  bottle
                   of carbon dlwlfide to Gay Gustafson.
               I,  GeQ  e  !Ygr   do hereby  ·  m  ability to get along with Mrs.  Tangeman, (if tha  s possible)
                   to   brother,  and my shyness  to Kathy Schneider,  (she need  it),
                  en J?eterson,  do hereby will rpy  c!lr (the Sunday one)  to  anyone who has a  good car.  and my
                   abilities to anyone who  nee   th   bad  enough.
               I,  Kathie Pool,  o hereby will m  heigh  to  Marvin Hass  and my ability to  teach  biology to Mr.
                   Miller .
                . Diane Stange,  do her~by will   cheerleading ability to Larry  Pacula,  and my weekly chair at
                   Millrose   no  one.
               I. Paul Svoboda,  do hereBy will   car to anyone who can afford  it,  and my ability to play foot-
                   ball to Larry Pacula.
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