Page 24 - YB_1966
P. 24
FRONT, left, Assistant Coach, Mr. Meyer; Coach Mr. Rockey. Team LEFT TO RIGHT: Marlyn Washburn, Jim
Wagner, Rich Maly, David Konecky, Randy Hutmacher, Tom Johnson, Gary Simons, Denny Washburn, Roger
The Mead Raiders slipped from a vic-
torious 1964-65 season as Husker Five
Champs to a dismal Fourth place fin-
ish in the Southern division of the
ECNC conference. The Raiders
chances of a successful season suffered
when five of the teams top seven
players graduated.
The Raider Spirit and hustle was not
enough to overcome the lack of height
and experience. They were able to
muster only three victories the entire
The Raiders also had little success in
tournament play as they were elim-
inated in the first of the ECNC tourn-
ament by Weston 44-40.
Five starters and Coach
LEFT: Gary Simons, Randy Hutmacher, Coach Rockey, Richard
Maly, Jim Wagner. FRONT: Dennis Washburn.