Page 42 - YB_1975
P. 42
- , K. King - D. Munay 1973 King Brian crowns 1974 King
Nygren; 2nd attendants- D. Larsen, R. Larson. Dan. •
Mead Raiders uampled over the Decatur Bulldogs for a 46-20 victory to
accent the Homecoming activities on October 24, 197 4. Prior to the Wednes-
day night game, the students were busy making posters, booster buttons and
decorating cars for the car parade following the pep rally.
Following the game, Dan Munay and Laurie Nygren were crowned Home-
coming King and Queen for the 1974-75 season. Karen Johnson and Rich Bra-
bec received first attendants and Donna Larsen and Russ Larson were second
The coronation was followed by a dance at the Community Building. Music
was provided by BOZO who played to the theme of "We May Never Pass This
Way Again."
Dan and Laurie take to the floor for
the 1 dance.
38 King Dan Muna y and Queen Laurie Nygren 1973 Queen Melinda crowns 1974 Queen Laurie.