Page 44 - YB_1975
P. 44


                                                                       ~                         j
           Steve Miller portrays Elwood P.  Dowd.   Anne  Deerson  and  Chuck  Hannan  - Don't  make  me  raiseĀ·  my

       Liv  Gjelsten  and  Bobbie  Head  - Oh!  It     Aloha Mr.  Kistler?
       was simply awful! !


          Elwood  P.  Dowd ----------------------------Steve Miller
          Myrtle Mae Simmons------------------------J.siv Gjelsten
          Veta Louise Simmons  -----------------------Bobbie Head
          Miss Johnson  ------------------------------Donna Larsen
          Mrs .  Ethel Chauvenet --------------------Denise Vanzago
          Ruth  Kelly,  R.  N.  --------------------------Sue Erickson
          Duane Wilson------------------------.---- -Curtis Pearson
          Lyman Sanderson,  M. D.  --------------------John Johnson
          Betty Chumley ----------------------------Anne Deerson
          William R.  Chumley.  M.D.----------------Chuck Hannan   Elwood  presents  nurse  Kelly  with  a  bouquet  of
          Judge Omar Gaffney --------------------------Bob Scoles   flowers.
          E.  J.  Lofgren--------------------------------Dave Raver

            Mead's  annual  all-school  play  was  presented  on  May  2 .
          This year's presentation  was  "Harvey. "  The  play  was  about
          Elwood  P.  Dowd,  the  biggest  sckrewball  in  town,  and  his
          friend,  Harvey,  an imaginary six and a  half foot  rabbit .  The
          play  was  under  the  direction  of  David  Kistler  and  Student
          directors  Anne  Konecky,  Karen  Johnson.  and  Scott  Wash-
          bum .

                                                                             Make-up can do wonders.
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