Page 6 - YB_1978
P. 6

"9oin1 of !7( now ~tu uz n

                           .!1 hcaul fht: mw ~!Jing UJmdhing
                            'Jilt: =.ptaim ft:f! fht:!J pa!f !JOU  wt:!!
                           c;l/nd fht:!J  ~!/ fht:!J  n.t:u:f ~ding mw to
                           ~how fht:  wa!/ and ft:aut:  toda!/
                            rwa~ if !JOU  fhaf ~id "dlow _L'ong ?"

                            'Jilt:!/ ~!/ tflt: ~= fm.m UJ  da zk that
                            1/ou know if~ fimt: !JOU UE.  fht:  ~ign
                            'Jilt:!/ ~!/ fht: point ckmom guaul i~
                            clln OC!E.a/2. gzavt: (en a!! fht:  hat'E.
                            'lfla4. if !JOU that ~uJ "d/ow 1'ong,  dlow 1'ong,
                            "d/ow 1'ong to fht: gJoin.t D{ !J(now c!?duw?"

                            1/ou 'l (atha, ht: ~uJ flt:  nt:uh !JOU
                            1/out mofht:z,  ~ht: ~uJ ~ht: lot'H !lou
                   ------. __ 1/ouz £.wfku,  fhE-!J edlo fk woub
                            "d/ow jaz to tht:  gJoin.t <!J{ !}(now d?etu'tn'-'  -----,,---'
                            "fU!t:{/; d/ow long?"
                            !Joda!/ .!1 jowuf a mt:~U1fjE. floating
                            .!In fht:  ~= fwm !JOU to mt:
                            1/ou WUJft: that wht:n !JOU =ufd ~E.E. if
                            1Jou aziu/ with (=z tflt: point wa~ nt:at
                            rwa~ if !JOU  fhaf ~id "dlow _L'ong
                            'Jo tflt: gJoint <!J{ !J(now d?duw "

                                                                Table of Contents

                         1                                  Faculty  ......... 3-6

                                                            Classes ......... 7-16

                                                            Club.s ......... 17-26
                             7                             Athletics  ...... 27-40

                                 8                         Activities ...... 41-55

                                                            Closing  ........ . . 56
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11