Page 26 - YB_1988
P. 26
" Can 't We Try" was the
Homecoming theme chosen
this year for the Homecom-
ing dance. Tim Hannan was
the disk jockey for the eve-
ning. The dress up days for
the week were: Crazy Hair
and Sign your Tee-Shirt, In-
side out, Come as you are,
Western day and Red and
White Day.The Raiders
played the Waterloo Pan-
thers. The Raiders won the
game, 56 to 8.
This year the dance didn't
follow the game, instead the
Keith Milliken, John Haag, Shannon Pickworth, Douglas Langemeier, Le Anne Gustafson, dance was the following
Sheri Huddle, Leticia Martines, Tara Sweet night. Before the dance
started the King and Queen
and their attendents were
announced. LeAnne Gustaf-
son was chosen Queen and
Doug Langemeier was cho-
sen King. Attendents were,
Sheri Huddle, Leticia Mar-
tines, Tara Sweet, Shannon
Pickworth, John Haag, and
Keith Milliken.
Sank Ya Very Much!! Congratulatoins
LeAnne Gustafson PRETTYBOY! !
Douglas Langemeier
The proud 1987-88 King and Queen!
Douglas Langemeier,LeAnne Gustaf-
Nice improvement Mark!!
Mark Luetkenhaus, Joseph
Can I have your autograph? Christensen
Tara Sweet, John Thilliander