Page 47 - YB_1988
P. 47

1987-88  Officers.  Back Row - John Haag, Craig Witte,  Doug  Langemeier, James Malina.
   Front Row - Jay Hanson, Traci  Lamprecht, Jodie Asper.

                                            The sen1or class made wOOden ··p,ggy banks
                                            for the pre-school children of all  faculty mem·
                                            bers w1th  C~ndy Gerdes as the ma~n decorator   Why didn't I get an  award?
                                            and  pa~nter .  Dunng  Nat1onal  FFA  Week.  the   Darin Nelson
                                            chapter members cooked and served a French
                                            toast. ham. and egg breakfast for the members
                                            and  school  faculty and employees.
                                            Contests dom~nated the spnng acl1V1l1es. Mead
                                            vo-ag  students  brought  home  four  f~rst·place
                                            trophieS from the D1stnct contests at SCC ·Be-
                                            atnce.  Champ1on  teams were '" Da1ry  Foods.
                                            Jumor Da1ry Cattle Select1on. Semor Da1ry Cat-
                                            tle Select1on. and Meats Judg1ng and ldenllf1ca·
                                            liOn.  lnd1v1dual  champ1ons  InCluded Jod1e  As-
                                            per. Jason Sweeney. Judy Johnson. Don Han-
                                            sen. and Valene Williams. The State vo-ag con·
                                            tests were held 1n  Apnl 1n  conJunctiOn w1th  the
                                            State  FFA  Convent1on.  All  teams  performed
                                            well  but d1d  not Win  f1rst  1n  any event  VaJene
                                            Williams was 5th 1n Creed Speak1ng  Doug Lan-
                                            gemeler  rece1ved  the  State  FF A  Degree  and
                                            served on the Off1cer Nom1nallng Comm1ttee.
                                            ApnJ  events  were  highlighted  by  the  annual
                                            banquet 1n conJunctiOn w1th the FBLA and FHA.
                                            Many awards were presented to members and
                                            adults and the 1988-89 FFA  Off1cers were an-
                                            nounced  and  Installed.  The  new off1cers  f1rst
                                            event w1ll  be C.OLT. (Chapter Off1cer Leader-  Proficiency Award Winners -
                                            Ship Tra1n1ng) conference at Aurora dunng the   Valerie Williams, John Haag.
                                            last week of May. Cra1g  W1tte will be attend1ng
                                            the  FFA  Nat1onal  Leadership  Conference  1n
                                            Washington. D.C  dunng June under the spon-
                                            sorship of the Mead FFA Alumm Chapter  Dur-
                                           Ing Apnl. the sen1or class bUill a new concrete
                                            shot-put nng for the school track and 1nstalled
                                            an add1ll0n to the FFA roads1de s1gn publiCIZing
                                            the 1987 State Football Champ1onsh1p.

                                                                                 Proficiency Award Winners -
                                                                                 Kim Williams.  Wendy Young.
                                    1988-89  Officers. Back Row - Trac1 Lamprecht, Terri  Lamprecht, Jodie Asper, Kim Williams.
                                    Front Row - Jay Hanson, Craig Witte, Briam  Edins.

   Guest Speaker  . Greg Hoegermeyer
   1987-88  Nebraska FFA Vice-President
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