Page 8 - YB_1989
P. 8
Lady Raiders Fall Short of State
Twenty-four Lady Raiders complet- The Lady RaideTs had a successful
ed a 16-5 campaign for the 1988 volley- season, accomplishing many team and
ball season. The Lady Raiders played the individual goals. The Lady RaideTs set
first eight games without all six regular a new state TecoTd in C-2 for the most
starter due to injuries. These games blocks in one season.
provided the l'aTsity expeTience to in- ECNC - NORTH DIVISION
aease team depth that pToved vital in 1st team- Jodie Asper
key wins throughout the year. Marcia Gustafson
The Elmwood Tourney was added 2nd team- Teui Lamprecht
to the schedule in which the Lady Raid-
ers placed 2nd. The eaTly tourney play ACADEMIC ALL-STATE
proved beneficial in posting victoTies Judy Johnson
oveT Wahoo and Ea t ButleT to captuTe Honorable Mention
fiTst in the Mead Tourney foT the first Jodie AspeT
time in many years. MaTcia Gustafson
The Lady RaideTs weTe a strong [a- WAHOO ALL-AREA
voTite in the ECNC but weTe outplayed 1st team- Jodie Asper
by Elmwood Murdock in the finals. Marcia Gustafson
The ultimate climax of the season 2nd team- Teui Lamprecht
was sub-distTicts when Mead posted an-
otheT victory over Cedar Bluffs and then LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR &
Tallying with total team elfol"t to upset OMAHA WORLD HERALD ALL-
second Tated Shelby. The momentum STATE
from the upset brought the State Tour- HonoTable Mention
nament closeT to reality. Howells was the Jodie Asper
team in the DistTict Play-offs. Marcia Gustafson
Take that!
Piece of cake! Give me that water bottle!
Let's get organized girls' Their not so tuff!
Spike it Terri!