Page 24 - YB_2000
P. 24
Boys Enjoy Mid-Season Highlights
The Mead Raider Boy had planned. They were
Basketball team started in a new sub-district this
the season strong. They year with tougher teams.
won the first three The e team included
games of the ea on and Adams-Freeman and
then lost to Scribner- Sterling. In the first
Snyder. They bounced round the Raiders faced
back and won the next 7 the Sterling Jets, the 7th
out of 8 games. rated team in D-1. The
They did not reach all Jets defeated them 50-42,
of their goal , but they ending the Raiders' sea-
had orne outstanding son with a record of 11-
performances. After 8.
Chri tma , the Raider This ea on the Raid-
won ix straight game . ers had four player re-
Four of the tarters av- ceive post season hon-
eraged in double figures ors. One of them wa
during this stretch. senior Paul Thorson,
Beating East Butler, the who made All-Confer-
8th rated team in C-2, in ence First Team, Wahoo
overtime by a last sec- All-Area second team,
ond shot made by senior and was named All State
Paul Thor on high- Honorable mention by
lighted this part of the the Omaha World Her-
season. ald and the Lincoln Jour-
Going into the confer- nal Star. Another was
ence tournament, the sophomore Josh Moline
Raiders were 10-3 and who was named on the
lost the first seed by the All-Conference Honor-
flip of a coin. Unfortu- able Mention team and
nately, they lost the first All-Area honorable
game by one point to mention team. Brad
eventual champion Wa- Schutt and Shawn
terloo. Havelka were also
The Raiders season named on the All-Area
ended earlier then they honorable mention
Above: Shawn Havelka
easily lays in two points
during the Holiday
Tournament. Shawn
missed six games of his
senior year due to mono.
Left: Paul Thorson slams
one down against Cedar
Josh Moline shoots a jump shot against Sterling while
Bluffs. The play ignited
getting fouled. Offensively, Josh led the team in free
the team in the overtime
throw attempts and percentage. victory.