Page 25 - YB_2000
P. 25
Leji: Paul Thorson and
Josh Moline pressure an
opposing ball handler. $cor~;: board.
Below: Adam Miller slides his feet to prevent dribble
Defensively, Paul led the Oppt. MHS
penetration during sub districts. Adam played throughout
team in blocked shots and Tecumseh 66 70
the season with pain in his knee and lower back.
Josh was second in steals. Palymra 42 55
Cedar Bluffs 68 71
Scribner-Snyder 56 42
Brownell-Talbot 42 80
Waterloo 58 47
Parkviey, Christian 49 97
O.C.A 50 59
'\'utan 56 62
East Butler 67 69
Weeping Water 60 78
Prague 42 64
Malcolm 60 54
Louisville 55 60
Waterloo 48 47
O.C.A. 50 41
Elnmood Murdock 52 49
Humphrey S.F. 73 68
Sterling 50 42
Front row (I to r):Sm Jeremy Larsen, Brendan Murray, ate
John on, John Berry, Chri Miller, Eric Deer on, Sm Jordan
Larsen. Middle Row: Ja on Larsen, Lyle Havelka, Shane
Morris, Shawn elson, Kirk Sake, Josh Moline. Back Row:
Coach Quinn, Shawn Havelka, Brad Schutt, Paul Thorson,
Brad Schutt attempts to block a shot against Brett Malchow, Adam Miller, Coach Siske.
Elmwood Murdock.
'The thing I like
What do you most about playing
spot1s 111 a >mall ·•sports are a lot of
like about '·[ play for the town is the chance fun in a . mall town
same reasons athletes get to
playing people play spom compete in more because everybody in
sports in a an) where. They than one sport.'' the town . upports
arc fun and I enjoy -Shawn Havelka-
small town? the competition." -Adam Miller-
-Paul Thorson-