Page 38 - YB_2000
P. 38
To the right: Tlwugh Mandi
Thompson tries to comfort
her, Amy Rasmu en breaks
down after discovering her
Below: Jenny Daf11 shares some of her "leper~·
After· the skillfully painted and
wisdom to a less tlmn entlwsiastic Amy Rasmussen.
success of the pre- set up the new back
vious year·'s one-act ground for· the play.
play the dr·ama de- Through all of this
partment decided hard work and dedica-
this year to per'for·m tion the team once
a more ser·ious and again delivered a mov-
symbolic play called ing performance that
"Lepers". With the earned them a sixth
retur·n of Mrs. place at ECNC contest
Hanson as the head and a fouth place at
drama coach and a district contest.
major·ity of experi- Newcomers
enced cast and crew to the stage, Angie
members the drama Miller and Amy
team went to work Rasmussen, showed
pr·acticing their great acting ability.
parts and creating Jenny Feeney, a vet-
new scenery. eran actr·ess got spe-
Putting in a cial r·ecognition as
gr·eat amount of best suppor·ting ac-
hard work, the cr·ew tress for· her talents.
Back Row (I to r): Kris Brabec. Director Tammy
Above: Angie Miller and Sara
Hanson, and Tanya Wellman. Second Row :
Konecky play their roles as
Jackie Kokesh. Crystal Konecky, Angie Miller,
observers with suc/1 fury
Amy Rasmussen. Theresa Francisco, and Mandi Amy Rasmussen doesn't
Thompson. Front Row: Karrie Marburger. Jenny
know whet/Jer to continue
Dahl. Jenny Feeney. and Sara Kone<:ky.
with the scene or cr·a1t f
away lt ithout them seeing
Right: Jealousy rears its ugly f1ead as Jenny Dahl ees
Mandi Thompson and Jenny Feeney and exclaims 'I knew
you liked her better than me!'
34 Drama