Page 39 - YB_2000
P. 39
Below: Kris Brabec, Chelsea Zicafoose, and Jackie Kokesh
s/Jcll'l' a kodak moment before arrhing at the FCCLA
Conference in Tecumseh.
Keeping ing balloons and cup-
busy doing activities cakes, in celebration of
and services for stu- Valentines Day, was once
dents and teachers again upheld by the
alike, this year seemed FCCLA group.
a big success for· Var·iou kinds
Mead's FCCLA chapter· of balloons were filled
with helium the morning
Th e mem- of Valentine's Day and
ber·s once again did cupcakes wer·e made
baby-sitting during and decorated at home
parent teacher· confer·- by many member·s.
ences and most of the The balloons
members attended and cupcakes were sold
the District Leadership and delivered by to stu-
Conference. dents in high school, el-
The tradition ementar'Y, and teachers
of selling and deliver- also.
Bach Row (I to r): Angie Miller, Angela Pelster, Sheri)
Moyers, Nikki Simon, Clai1·e Muck, Glenda Halhnal'k, Sa-
rah Denison, Megan Brabec, Lisa Rasmussen. Third Ro11:
Hannah Taylor, Amy Rasmussen, Jackie Kokesh, Chelsea
Zicafoose. Sara Winkelman, Alicia Push, Maggie Petersen,
Ashley Storm. Second Row: Stephanie Bergman, Kayla
Thorson, Kelly Koneck}. Anneke Gustafson, Katie Deerson,
Kris Brabec Tan}a Wellman. Front R011: Andre,! Gu}le,
Penn1 Couc,h, S,ua Konec,ky, Lori Rasmussen, Sh}l}nne
A bo~e: The FCCLA cl1apter
Morris, Crystal Konecky, Mandi Thompson, Mrs. Weiss.
takes a break from
conferences to rela~ .
Left: As/Jiey Storm, Lisa Rasmussen, and FCCLA
pre ident Katie Deer on are all smiles on t11e ride to
the conference.
Drama and FCCLA page by Jenny Dahl 35