Page 46 - YB_2000
P. 46

One  '~mazing"                            Freshmen Zacll  Wellman  cllld ;hhlt>y  S/Ortll  enjoy their d.tnce

      H                       Spir·it  for  Home-  by  the  Student Council.

                         coming  was  taken  to  a   Many  students  enjoyed
                         high level this year.  Stu-  these  days  because  it
      0                  dents  showed  their  gave  them  a  chanc  to
                         spirit by participating in
                                               express their cr·  ativity.
                         the  different  events  of
                         "Spirit  Week. "  Many   Spir·it  Other  events  for
                                                       eek  included
                         game  were pia  ed dur·-  decorating the halls and
     M                   These  games  included   a pep rally put on by the
                         ing  each  lunch  period.
                                               football  player·s  to  en-
                         pa  sing an orange fi'Om
                         one  student  to  another   courage  everyone  to
                                               come and  participate in
                         with  our· neck, passing   cheering on the player·s.
       E                 a  lifesaver·  with  tooth-  After the game, students
                         picks  held  in  students
                                               wer·e  allowed  to  have  a
                         mouths, a relay race bal-  good  lime at  the  dance
                         ancing  an  egg  on  a   which  was  held  in  the
       c                 spoon,  another  relay   high  school  gym  deco-
                         passing  a  balloon  held
                                               rated  with  the  color·s
                         between  knees,  and  a
                                               purple,  hunter  gr·een,
                         tug of war.           and  silver.  The  theme
                              In  addition  to  the   song was  "Amazed,"  by
                         games  at  lunch,  dress
      0                  up  days  were  planned   Lone Star·.





                         Ju  tin Schullz and Alex Carrit work together to  decorate
                          their class's  hall for Homecoming.
                                                                      Amanda  Wolfe  <111d  Li~a Rasmussen  decorate  fill' gym bl
                                                                     pulling together  billion~.

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